No consideration of the adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors
Gildi Pension Fund does not consider adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors as stipulated in regulation (EU) 2019/2088 of the European Parliament and of the Council, on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial service sector (SFDR), which has legal validity in Iceland. When the fund‘s investment policy comes under annual review, the fund intends to take into consideration whether and to what extent the fund can take into account the adverse effects of investment decisions on sustainability factors in the meaning of the aforementioned regulation. More information can be found on the fund‘s policies related to sustainability factors and governance in the sustainable and responsible investment policy, investment policy and the shareholder policy which are available on the fund‘s website.
Mutual Pension Division, Future Vision 1 and 2 (chapter 1.3. of the investment policy)
Sustainability risks can be due to environmental, social, or administrative factors which, if they materialize, can potentially have a significant negative impact on the value of the pension fund‘s assets. The pension fund has implemented various policies to manage risks related to sustainability, e.g. sustainable and responsible investment policy, investment policy, and shareholder policy. Financial sustainability risks differ between investment options and have varying degrees of importance depending on the investment options under consideration in each case, as is discussed in more detail in the sustainable and responsible investment policy and chapter 1.3. in the fund‘s investment policy. Although sustainability risk is part of the assessment of investment options, it does not prevent the fund from investing in investment options where sustainability risks are present.
Future Vision 3
Sustainability risk is not considered in investment decisions for Future Vision 3 since according to the investment policy, the division only invests in indexed deposits.