Assets and Investments

Gildi is a leading investor in the Icelandic market and emphasises professional work procedures and extensive disclosure. The fund specifically considers environmental issues, social issues and governance in investments.

Gildi’s Annual Reports

Gildi’s Annual Reports provide detailed information on the fund’s status, returns and operations. The reports are published annually in the run-up to the AGM.

arsskyrsla 1
Hluthafastefna (svg)

Report on the Implementation of the Shareholder Policy

Gildi Pension Fund publishes a report with a detailed summary of the implementation of the fund's shareholder policy and how Gildi participates as a shareholder in registered companies.

Composition of Assets

Assets, Returns and Investment Policy

Gildi’s portfolio is managed in accordance with the fund’s Investment Policy as current, with the goal of achieving suitable risk diversification and long-term returns. Gildi’s focus as a leading investor in the Icelandic market is i.a. available in the fund’s Shareholder Policy and Responsible Investments Policy. The fund operates four investment channels, one for the mutual insurance division and three within the private property divisions.

Mutual Pension Division

Gildi’s mutual pension division had assets of ISK 908.5 billion at the end of 2021. The net nominal returns was 17.8%, or a net real return of 12.8%.

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Future Vision 1

The net assets of Future Vision 1 amounted to just over ISK 3.3 billion at the end of 2023. The net nominal return of Future Vision 1 in 2023 was 5.7% or a net real return of -2.1%.

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Future Vision 2

The net assets of Future Vision 2 amounted to just over ISK 3.5 billion at the end of 2023. The net nominal return of Future Vision 2 was 5.3% or a net real return of -2.5%.

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Future Vision 3

The net assets of Future Vision 3 amounted to just over ISK 1.9 billion at the end of 2023. The net nominal return of Future Vision 3 was 8.2% or a net real return of 0.2%.

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Sjálfbærni (svg)

Information on sustainability

The financial risk associated with sustainability varies depending on investment choices and carries different weights. Financial risk related to sustainability is part of the assessment of investment options but does not prevent investments where sustainability risk is present.