You can choose between three different investment schemes within Gildi’s private pension division, called Future Vision 1, 2 and 3. In Future Vision 1, the aim is for 65% of assets to be in bonds and 35% in stocks. 80% of the assets of Future Vision 2 are in bonds and deposits, while 20% are in stocks. In Future Vision 3, all assets are in indexed deposits.

In short, the most risk is taken in Future Vision 1, which is supposed to guarantee a higher return over a longer period of time, which in turn means that returns can fluctuate. In Future Vision 3, all assets are in indexed deposits, which means minimal risk, but at the same time the expected long-term return decreases. The risk and return of Future Vision 2 lies in between.

Which option suits each person is different. Those who plan to invest over a long period of time (decades) should look at Future Vision 1. Those who plan to start paying out soon should rather look at Future Vision 3. Those who want to limit risk but achieve a decent return should look at Future Vision 2. If you have further questions, we advise you to contact Gildi’s experts who will answer further questions.