The right to pay a premium for equal accrual of rights is based on 10% of the wages of the year 2003 adjusted to current prices.
Fund members who were 25 years of age and older on 1 June 2005 when Gildi Pension Fund began its operations and had rights in the fund at the end of 2004 may pay a premium for equal accrual of rights, up to a certain maximum (reference fee), for as many months as the person in question had paid premiums to the fund before the age of 42 at the end of 2004. If, on the other hand, a fund member has paid premiums for more than 5 years during the period in question, they are entitled to pay up to the reference premium for equal accrual of rights to the age of 67.
A fund member’s premium from 1 June 2005, which is transferred to equal accrual of rights, the so-called reference premium, can be as high as 10% of the fund member’s premium for the year 2003 adjusted to current prices or the last calendar year before their premium was received by the fund. Premiums in excess of the indexed reference premium are transferred to age-related accrual.