HB Grandi Shareholders’ Meeting on 16 October 2018

The 2018 Shareholders’ Meeting of HB Grandi took place on 16 October at Norðurgarður 1, Reykjavík.
Dagskrárliður Lagt fram af Afgreiðsla*
Tillaga Gildis um málsmeðferð og frekari  undirbúning vegna tillögu undir 2. tl. Gildi Samþykkt**
Tillaga um að staðfesta ákvörðun stjórnar um  kaup félagsins á öllu hlutafé Ögurvíkur ehf Stjórn Máli frestað
*Processed by Gildi’s representatives at the meeting. The conclusion of the meeting could be different.

**Gildi’s proposal was approved based on Gildi’s amendment to the fund’s original proposal.


During the meeting, Gildi’s representatives presented two proposals: